Posted by: Debbie Abrams Kaplan | August 7, 2013

Camp Craziness

Mark wonders why we sent the kids to camp and I spend my days blogging about the kids and camp instead of taking advantage of my free time. He has a point.

My friend Stacy pointed out this blog post to me – and the phenomenon called the Running of the Jews. We have not yet experienced visitors’ day at our camp (my kids are only going to one session and there are no visitors’ days planned). Apparently visitors’ day at some camps bring out the absolute worst in people – and by worst, I mean treating their children like indulged, spoiled brats. You make a poster with glitter to help your child find you (because they don’t recognize you after a few weeks of camp?). But that is nothing compared to the extravagant gifts and spreads that some parents bring to show their love and affection in an obvious way, for their darling child. But that’s not the worst.

As for the Running of the Jews, (here’s part two) some camps set up barriers to prevent the parents from entering the camp before the prescribed time. Some arrive hours early to get the front line spots, so they can sprint across the lawn to get to their child first. Just read the comments at the bottom of that blog post. My favorite was this: “This is straight out of a Woody Allen movie.”

The other funny video is “Refresh Refresh” about parents (okay a mom) checking the camp website all day to find pictures of her children posted. It is truly hilarious – and only 3 minutes long.

While I’m at it, how many of you camp parents have appointments to take your child to the local Lice Lady to have their hair checked before they enter your house? Admittedly, I do check my own children (and am a bit of an expert, so much so that I’ve considered hiring out my services and funding my kids’ college this way). But I haven’t made a $150-$250/each appointment. Though shampooing them when they get home is on the agenda.


  1. […] I missed out on the craziness of visitor’s day, where parents at some camps create glitter signs to greet their ki…, I decided this would be the time to indulge them. So I could barely walk while carrying this candy […]

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